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Li-tube tsa Afklok ke life?

Re thabela ho fana ka AFKLOK tse peli tsa ferrule compression tube fittings ho Fluid Controls.Lisebelisoa tsena tsa li-tube tse tenyetsehang ka mokhoa o makatsang li tla ka mefuta e fapaneng ea li-diameter le lisebelisoa tse sa jeng, li fana ka likhokahano tse sa lutleng tse makatsang, 'me li fetoha habonolo.
Lisebelisoa tsa Afklok Tube

Li-tube tsa Wofly's Afklok li entsoe ho fana ka likhokahano tse tšepahalang tse se nang ho lutla bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse kenyelletsang lisebelisoa, ts'ebetso le taolo, le bahlahlobisisi.Li-tubefittings tsena li hlahisoa ka maemo a holimo ka ho fetisisa 'me li tla ka mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea boholo, thepa e thibelang ho bola, le metsoako.

Afklok pokello ea li-tube fittings ho tloha ho moetsi e entsoe ka mocheso-code-traceable 316 tšepe e sa hloekang e le maemo.6Mo, Alloy 825, Alloy 625, le Alloy C-276 ke lisebelisoa tse ling.Ha 'mele e kobehileng e etsoa ka metsu e haufi-ufi ea lijo-thollo, li-fittings tse otlolohileng li hlahisoa ho tsoa ho bar e felileng ka serame.

Lisebelisoa tsa tube li tla ka boholo ba borena ho tloha ho 1/16 ″ ho isa ho 2 ″ OD le boholo ba metric ho tloha ho 2 mm ho isa ho 25 mm OD.


1) phala e tona ho tube.
2) Peipi ea banna ho ea ho tube ea basali
3) li-tubes tse kopantsoeng hammoho.
4) likhokahano bakeng sa likou.
5)flare (AN) ho A-LOK ka 37.
6) O-ring to tube seal
7) litsamaiso tse cheselitsoeng ho li-tubes.
8) Lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo.
9) Lisebelisoa tsa barbed.

Wofly e ka u thusa ho boloka odara ea hau.
Wofly ke k'hamphani e hlahisang lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le lisebelisoa tsa taolo ea khatello naheng ea China, 'me e na le mefuta ea mohlala.AFK, Afklok, Wofly.

Call +86-755-27919860 or send an email to info@szwofly.com to speak with a Fluid Controls expert about all of your fittings needs right away.

Nako ea poso: Oct-22-2022